Episode 33

033: Restoring Your Health with a Raw Vegan Lifestyle w/ Michelle Deborah

If you’ve been wondering about going plant-based, this will be a good listen for you. 🎧 

Michelle is a 5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator in Human Design that is a health coach, private chef, wellness advocate and raw food enthusiast who transformed her health thru plant-based food and is on a mission to help others do the same.


We discuss:

-the distinct differences of being a “junk food vegan “ vs “clean” vegan and raw vegan. 

-Debunk misconceptions around the timing to prepare raw vegan foods 

—protein, fats and eggs 🥚 

-the “lightness” around consuming high photonic and hydrating foods vs dead and heavy foods.

-Michelle’s healing journey with raw plant based (including all the meds she no longer “needs”)

-including releasing trapped emotions with shamanic practices that use sound frequencies and crystals 💎 

-honoring your journey and healing time 

-not having to compromise on flavor or beauty to eat healthfully 

-keeping meals simple 

-normal bowel movements💩 😂 

And so much more!

🤝 share with a friend or loved one to spread the healing inspiration 

In abundant health and wellness 🫶


Follow Michelle on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok here ⬇️


About the Podcast

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Igniting Consciousness
The Journey from Healing to Enlightenment

About your host

Profile picture for Natalie Horine

Natalie Horine

I am a Chiropractor, 3/5 Emo Manifester in human design, a plant-based and holistic crunchy mama of one (as of now) highly- spirited daughter & fur baby. I'm in business with my husband as founders of Ignite Chiropractic PLLC & coaching other chiropractors to not only grow their business but to become the best leader for their offices procedurally and in accordance to their Human Design.
I question most things "mainstream" & therefore have gone "down the rabbit hole" with most controversial topics with regard to health, freedom, wellness & spirituality.
When not totally consumed with mothering & running my household, I am discussing and interviewing on topics revolved around Natural Health & Wellness, Universal principles of Life, Energy healing, Human Design, Epigentics and Consciousness.
I've been divinely guided to lead by example and catalyze others to step into their highest human expression by reconnecting and awakening their innate wisdom that creates, animates, heals and keeps you on your TRUE souls path.
Ultimately, Igniting Consciousness for us all! With so much Peace & Love!