Episode 43

043: Designing Abundance: Navigating Alignment, Manifestation, and the Journey to Version 3.0 with Dr. Stephanie Wigner


In this episode, Dr. Natalie Horne interviews Dr. Stephanie Wigner about alignment, manifestation, and living an abundant life. They discuss the concept of human design and how understanding one's unique design can lead to a more fulfilling life. Dr. Stephanie shares her journey from version 1.0 to version 3.0, highlighting the importance of self-love and inner knowing. They also explore the idea of success and how it can be defined on an individual level. Dr. Stephanie offers insights into her work with health and wellness practitioners, helping them achieve their goals and find balance in their lives. In this conversation, Stephanie and Dr. Natalie discuss breaking free from societal rules and choosing your own path. They explore the challenges of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship and the importance of shaping children's mindsets. They also delve into changing subconscious programming and overcoming limiting beliefs about money. The conversation highlights the influence of upbringing on money mindset and the association of hard work with success. They emphasize the power of vision and recognizing synchronicities, as well as the importance of following your intuition.


·     Don't be afraid to break free from societal rules and create your own path.

·     Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship is possible with delegation and support.

·     Be mindful of the language you use around money and avoid scarcity mindset.

·     Recognize synchronicities and express gratitude to attract more abundance into your life.

Find Dr. Stephanie here!

Website: stephaniewigner.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/thewealthywellnesspractitioner

Instagram: @thewealthypractitioner

Podcast: The Wealthy Practitioner


About the Podcast

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Igniting Consciousness
The Journey from Healing to Enlightenment

About your host

Profile picture for Natalie Horine

Natalie Horine

I am a Chiropractor, 3/5 Emo Manifester in human design, a plant-based and holistic crunchy mama of one (as of now) highly- spirited daughter & fur baby. I'm in business with my husband as founders of Ignite Chiropractic PLLC & coaching other chiropractors to not only grow their business but to become the best leader for their offices procedurally and in accordance to their Human Design.
I question most things "mainstream" & therefore have gone "down the rabbit hole" with most controversial topics with regard to health, freedom, wellness & spirituality.
When not totally consumed with mothering & running my household, I am discussing and interviewing on topics revolved around Natural Health & Wellness, Universal principles of Life, Energy healing, Human Design, Epigentics and Consciousness.
I've been divinely guided to lead by example and catalyze others to step into their highest human expression by reconnecting and awakening their innate wisdom that creates, animates, heals and keeps you on your TRUE souls path.
Ultimately, Igniting Consciousness for us all! With so much Peace & Love!